
Configuring Tags

Tags are a way for you to classify your Leads, for example: you can tag a Lead that reached you through a promotional campaign, a viral video, ChatBot, etc. That way, when necessary, you can do a search to get in touch with a certain group of Leads. See how simple it is.

Managing Email/SMS

See how easy it is to manage your E-mail and SMS messages.

Image library

In image library, you can upload the images that will be used to create your Conversational Site. To facilitate organization and search, just separate the photos into categories.

Asking Questions

Here is how you can create questions and let the Bot interact with your website visitors capturing leads and more.

Assign Leads Automatically

If you have a sales team, you can assign leads to a team member or a group directly from your conversational flow. You can have split decisions depending on the visitor’s answers to your questions, for example, and send the lead to your sales team or to your financial department.

Creating a New Lead

When you use conversational flows to capture leads, the lead will show automatically on your CRM leads list. But sometimes you need to create a new lead manually on the CRM and here is how you do it.

The Leads List

Here is how to manage your leads from your Leads List.

Managing Tasks

You can create tasks like follow-up reminders, and more. The tasks manager allows you to have tasks for each individual lead or general tasks. Here is how to use it.

Configuring Qualities and Stages

You can classify your leads using a Quality attribute and a Stage attribute. The first one indicates if it’s a good or a bad lead. The second one is in which stage of the sales process the lead is. You can configure your own qualities and stages.