Form W-8BEN-E – Legal Entity
If you are a non-resident of the United States receiving income from U.S. sources, this document is essential to ensure that you can avail appropriate tax benefits and avoid unnecessary tax withholdings. Follow this step-by-step guide (Tips and Video) to avoid making mistakes when filling it out. Number 1: Beneficiary IdentificationBegin by filling in…
Form W-8BEN – Individual
If you are a non-resident of the United States receiving income from U.S. sources, this document is essential to ensure that you can avail appropriate tax benefits and avoid unnecessary tax withholdings. Check if you are not a US resident for tax purposes. This form applies only to individuals, not to companies. Follow this step-by-step…
Integration keys
The integration token is a unique key that allows Tayon to securely connect and interact with an external application such as zapier, wordpress plugins, and others. The login token is a specific access key, which allows users to authenticate to Tayon without needing a password. For both you can set an access expiration date.
Grant access to agency
You will be able to grant access to an agency to take care of the design of your conversational flows, manage your leads and whatever else is necessary.In your profile you have the option “Allow access to the agency”. To do so, simply provide the email address of the agency registered with Tayon. It is…
Manage/Upgrade your Plan
To upgrade or manage your plan, access Profile and click on the button “Manage my plan”. If your account is past due or you have a trial account, there will be a button at the top of your screen to access the plan options directly.
Manage Your Account Profile
You can manage your profile information by clicking on the small down arrow on the right top of your screen (1) and on the Profile option (2).