Conversational Flows

Learn how to create conversational flows.

How to set an image as the website logo

To change the site’s logo image, you need to click on the gear icon in Conversational Site, on the first tab Site Information, there will be a field for Site Logo. Simply click on Select, choose an image, or upload a new image. As shown in the video below.

Action – Redirect to URL

Sometimes you need to send your user to another page of your website or even to a completely different website. This action allows you to inform an URL that will be used to redirect the visitor while she is interacting with your conversational bot.

Start a new flow on the Conversational Site

To start a new flow, it’s quite simple. As shown in the video below.

Calendar Integration

Tayon can show a calendar inside the chat. You can use Builderall Booking or Calendly as your calendar app. Here is how to do it.

Trigger an action on the Conversational Site

In this step, for example, you can choose an action such as sending an email or SMS, redirecting to a URL, etc. Below each step, there is a blue icon with a plus sign (+). Simply click on it and select Trigger an Action. As shown in the video below.